For both the photographer and the chef, food is devoured with the eyes first.
In an instant, all you need to know about a plate is captured. It is this vital first glance where both photographer and chef must showcase everything. Years of experience. The highest regard for presentation. The most delicate of adjustments. For the chef, countless hours of experimenting, profiling and concocting these plated works of art. For the photographer, countless hours of lighting, angles and vision to capture the plate’s true essence. All this experience combines to showcase a dish that will be admired in a single, brilliant moment.
John Valls has captured the refinement of food for over a decade, produced by some of the country’s most celebrated chefs. It is a time-honored craft to create these dishes, and the ability to photograph them flawlessly is no different. Each must introduce the essence, precision and care of the creation, and each must tempt you to take that first, awe-inspiring bite.